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PJ Gubernur Heru Pastikan Jaminan Kesejahteraan Bagi Guru
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Heru Ensures Welfare Guarantees for Teachers

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, visited SDN Malaka Jaya 10 in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, to ensure educational services and welfare guarantees for teachers.

The Inspectorate will decide later

East Jakarta Education I Sub-dept. Head, Mohamad Fahmi said the Acting Governor's purpose in visiting the school was to ask the principal directly to determine whether or not the allegation that honorary teachers were not getting their rights as widely reported was true.

"The Governor also directly asked the principal why the two were called. They have given true testimony," he expressed, Wednesday (11/29).

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He explained the school principal and honorary teacher concerned had been summoned by the Education Division and Education Personnel of the Jakarta Education Dept. on Friday (11/24). Then the dossier (BAP) was also made to the school principal at the East Jakarta Education I Sub-dept. on Monday (11/27).

“And now it is being examined at the Inspectorate. The Inspectorate will decide later," he explained.

He added the Acting Governor instructed the Inspectorate and the Jakarta Education Dept. to resolve this problem before leaving school.

"That he was looking for the reasons why this incident occurred. The summons by the Education Dept. has been done and is requested to be carried out by the Inspectorate, because of the inspectorate's authority to carry out inspections," he continued.

He went on to say that the honorary Christian teacher concerned was not looking for teaching material at the school but as a form of dedication and service. It was stated in the statement letter made previously.

"His first confession was that he admitted that there was a letter stating that he was not looking for material. He wanted to devote himself to serving God. There is a statement letter from the teacher that this is a form of service," he added.

As for the information, previously, the Education Dept. summoned the staff of SDN 10 Malaka Jaya in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta regarding complaints about honorary teachers at the school who were only paid Rp 300,000 per month.

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